The Shapes of Molecules

Learning outcomes - after studying this topic, you should be able to:
  • work out the number of bonding and non-bonding pairs from the Lewis structure of a molecule
  • predict the distribution of these pairs around an atom
  • place any lone pairs in appropriate positions to minimize the overall electron pair repulsion
  • predict and describe the molecular shape
  • predict the hybridization around C, N and O atoms in organic compounds
  • relate electronegativity to bond polarity
  • relate bond polarity and molecular shape to the existence of a molecular dipole moment

Textbook and eBook References

Lecture Notes, Tutorial Worksheets & Answers and Suggested Exam Questions

ChemCAL, iChem and Contributed Resources

Molecular shape and structure
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Applying VSEPR theory
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Shapes and polarity
Tags: VSEPR | Lewis structures | polarity
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
VSEPR - molecular shapes by formula
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
VSEPR - molecular shapes by number of electron pairs`
Description: Interactive models of shapes for molecules with different numbers of electron pairs
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman